Contact Us
New Zealand

Hyspecs Auckland
P +64 9 274 9985
Hydraulic Specialties Ltd
P.O.Box 204 157, Highbrook 2161
32 Crooks Road, East Tamaki 2013
Auckland, New Zealand
Click ASK OUR TECH top right page to send us an email.

Hyspecs Christchurch
Christchurch Office
P +64 3 366 1872
Hydraulic Specialties (S.I.) Ltd
P.O.Box 7493, Sydenham 8240
34 Birmingham Drive, Middleton 8024
Christchurch, New Zealand
Click ASK OUR TECH top right page to send us an email.

Hyspecs Melbourne
Melbourne Office
P +61 3 9305 3477
Hydraulic Specialties Pty Ltd
P.O.Box 4454, Dandenong South
VIC 3164
5 Elliott Road, Dandenong South, VIC 3175, Melbourne, Australia

Hyspecs Brisbane
Brisbane Office
P +61 7 3865 6120
Unit 2, 80 Ebbern Street, Darra
Brisbane, QLD 4076